2024 Tianyuan Summer School in Algebraic Geometry


The 2024 Tianyuan Summer School in Algebraic Geometry (TSSiAG) will take place in Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center in Kunming, China from July 8-12, 2024, consisting of 3 mini-courses held by senior speakers and also 8 research talks. The aim of this summer school, which is very close to that of the Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté (GAeL) in Europe, is twofold. Firstly we aim to gather young mathematicians in this field of research, give them an opportunity to discuss freely with others and provide a platform to develop their possible collaborations. In addition, selected international experts will deliver mini-courses on topics at the cutting-edge of important new developments in Algebraic Geometry.

A major aim of the TSSiAG is to give young algebraic geometers an opportunity to meet and to create potential cooperation. We therefore request that all the PhD students and post-docs among the participants not giving a talk prepare a poster for the poster sessions that will take place during the conference. It should be in A3 format and contain the following information: your name and institution, your advisor's name, your research area, and a short introduction to the kind of questions that you are working on or the results that you have obtained.

Since we have only a limited number of spaces available for this summer school, if necessary, a selection of participants of young PhD students and post-docs, conducted by the organizing committee, will be based on the quality of the title and the abstract submitted for registration. We will inform the applicants of the result around the end of May.

Home page http://www.jliumath.com/conferences/2024TSSiAG.html
Address Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center, Yiliang, Kunming, China
Time 2024.07.08 -- 2024.07.12
Registration Please fill the form. It will be open until May 26 2024.
Accommodation We will cover the local expenses (including accommodations) for all the participates during the conference.
Time Speaker Title
July 08 08:50 -- 09:00 Welcome and sign
09:00 -- 10:00 Yujiro Kawamata On non-commutative deformatuons I
10:30 -- 11:30 Junyi Xie DAO for curves I
15:00 -- 16:00 Hao Sun A nonabelian Hodge correspondence for principal bundles in positive characteristuc
16:30 -- 17:30 Keping Huang A new Diophantine approximation inequality on surfaces and its applications
18:45 -- 20:30 Poster session
July 09 09:00 -- 10:00 Hsueh-Yung Lin Motivic invariants of birational maps I (online)
10:30 -- 11:30 Yujiro Kawamata On non-commutative deformations II
14:00 -- 15:00 Junyi Xie DAO for curves II
15:30 -- 16:30 Jianshi Yan On the pluricanonical map and the canonical volume of projective 4-folds of general type
16:45 -- 17:45 Tong Zhang On the minimal slope problem for threefolds Cbred by surfaces of general type
July 10 09:00 -- 10:00 Hsueh-Yung Lin Motivic invariants of birational maps II (online)
10:30 -- 11:30 Junyi Xie DAO for curves III
15:00 -- 17:30 Free discussion
July 11 09:00 -- 10:00 Hsueh-Yung Lin Motivic invariants of birational maps III (online)
10:30 -- 11:30 Yujiro Kawamata On non-commutative deformations III
15:00 -- 16:00 Long Wang The movable cone of Schoen’s Calabi-Yau threefold
16:30 -- 17:30 Renjie Lyu Generic triviality of automorphisms of algebraic varieties: complete intersections
July 12 09:00 -- 10:00 Hang Zhao Boundedness of numerically trivial automorphism group of irregular threefolds of general type
10:30 -- 11:30 Bin Wang Picard groups of spectral varieties, instanton and monopole branches
15:00 -- 17:30 Free discussion


  • Yujiro Kawamata (University of Tokyo): On non-commutative deformations
    (1) I will explain deformations of sheaves over non-commutative (NC) base. The point is that there are more NC deformations than usual (C) deformations, and NC deformations yield more invariants. The moduli space of sheaves become larger in the sense that it has additional formal structure.
    (2) I will explain deformations of a usual variety, based on commutative algebra, to NC varieties. Though the localizations of NC algebras are usually not possible, the deformations are constructed by gluing NC associative algebras. I will also consider NC deformations of McKay correspondence.
  • Hsueh-Yung Lin (National Taiwan University): Motivic invariants of birational maps
    The motivic invariant \(c(f)\) of a birational map \(f\colon X \dashrightarrow Y\) is an additive invariant which measures the difference between the birational types of the exceptional divisors of \(f\) and those of its inverse \(f^{−1}\). After explaining the construction and the motivic nature of the invariant \(c(f)\), we will focus on the case where f is a birational automorphism of a variety \(X\). On one hand, we will show that the motivic invariants vanish on the birational automorphism group \(\textrm{Bir}(X)\) when \(X\) is a surface over a perfect field or a complex threefold. On the other hand, we will construct some Cremona transformations \(f\) such that \(c(f)\) is nonzero, and derive new consequences on the Cremona groups. If time permits, we will talk about some possible refinements of the motivic invariants. This is joint work with E. Shinder and partly with S. Zimmermann.
  • Junyi Xie (Peking University): DAO for curves
    With Zhuchao Ji, we prove the Dynamical Andre-Oort (DAO) conjecture proposed by Baker and DeMarco for families of rational maps parameterized by an algebraic curve. In fact, we prove a stronger result, which is a Bogomolov type generalization of DAO for curves. 


  • Keping Huang (Harbin Institute Technology): A new Diophantine approximation inequality on surfaces and its applications
    We prove a Diophantine approximation inequality for closed subschemes on surfaces which can be viewed as a joint generalization of recent inequalities of Ru-Vojta and HeierLevin in this context. As applications, we study various Diophantine problems on affine surfaces given as the complement of three numerically parallel ample projective curves: inequalities involving greatest common divisors, degeneracy of integral points, and related Diophantine equations including families of S-unit equations. We state analogous results in the complex analytic setting, where our main result is an inequality of Second Main Theorem type for surfaces, with applications to the study and value distribution theory of holomorphic curves in surfaces. This is a joint work with Aaron Levin and Zheng Xiao. 
  • Renjie Lyu (Xiamen University): Generic triviality of automorphisms of algebraic varieties: complete intersections
    The automorphism group is an important invariant for algebraic varieties. In this talk, we consider automorphism groups for a family of smooth projective varieties. I will show that, under certain assumptions on the associated moduli stacks and monodromy groups, the automorphism group of a general member in the family is minimal. In particular, we can prove that, in most cases, a general smooth complete intersection has no non-trivial automorphisms. This is a joint work with Dingxin Zhang. 
  • Hao Sun (South China University of Technology): A nonabelian Hodge correspondence for principal bundles in positive characteristic
    Ogus-Vologodsky established the nonabelian Hodge correspondence in positive characteristic in the case of \(G = GL_n\). It is hard to generalize their approach to principal bundles due to an absent analogue of Azumaya algebras. Based on the approach called exponential twisting introduced by Lan-Sheng-Zuo, we established a correspondence between nilpotent \(G\)-Higgs bundles and nilpotent flat \(G\)-bundles of exponent smaller than \(p\). When \(G = GL_n\), it goes back to Ogus-Vologodsky result. As an application, when \(G\) is classical group, mod p reductions of rigid flat \(G\)-bundles has nilpotent p-curvature. The first part is joint work with Mao Sheng and Jianping Wang, and the second part is an ongoing project joint work with Pengfei Huang and Yichen Qin.
  • Bin Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong): Picard groups of spectral varieties, instanton and monopole branches
    In this talk, we will discuss moduli spaces of Higgs pairs on surfaces. We will focus on the associated Hitchin maps, especially on generic fibers via a Noether-Lefschetz theorem for spectral varieties. We then apply them to study instanton and monopole branches. This is a joint work with Xiaoyu Su.
  • Long Wang (Fudan University): The movable cone of Schoen’s Calabi-Yau threefold
    The cone conjecture of Morrison and Kawamata concerns the structure of nef and movable cones of Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this talk, after giving an overview of the conjecture, I will report the joint work in progress with Cécile Gachet, Hsueh-Yung Lin and Isabel Stenger about the movable cone conjecture for Schoen’s Calabi-Yau threefold.
  • Jianshi Yan (Northeastern University): On the pluricanonical map and the canonical volume of projective 4-folds of general type
    Understanding the behavior of pluricanonical maps and the lowest bound of canonical volumes of projective varieties has been a major question in birational geometry. For curves, surfaces and 3-folds, there are classical results. In this talk, I will introduce some results on the birationality of pluricanonical maps and the lowest bound of canonical volumes of projective 4-folds of general type with geometric genus \(p_g \geq 2\) or with plurigenus \(P_{m_0}(V )\geq 2\) for some positive integer \(m_0\).
  • Hang Zhao (Yunnan University): Boundedness of numericallytrivial automorphism group of irregularthreefolds of general type
    An automorphism of an algebraic variety is called numerically trivial, if it acts identically on the cohomology ring \(H^0(X,\mathbb{Q})\). The groups \(Aut_{\mathbb{Q}}(X)\) of numerically trivial automorphism of irregular surfaces of general type are uniformly bounded, and for \(X\) has maximal Albanese dimension, \(Aut_{\mathbb{Q}}(X)\) is either tirival or \(\mathbb{Z}_2\). In dimension three, there are examples of irregular threefold of general type with terminal singularities such that \(Aut_{\mathbb{Q}}(X)\) can be arbitrarily large. Therefore, it is natural to conjecture that for a given natural number \(n\geq 3\), there exists a constant \(M\) which depending on \(n\), such that \(|Aut_{\mathbb{Q}}(X)| \leq M\) for all smooth varieties of general type \(X\). In this talk, I will discuss some results related to this problem for smooth irregular threefolds of general type.
  • Tong Zhang (East China Normal University): On the minimal slope problem for threefolds fibred by surfaces of general type
    In the 1980s, Cornalba-Harris and Xiao proved the slope inequality which gives the minimal slope for surfaces fibred by curves of genus \(g\geq 2\). In this talk, I would like to address a similar problem in dimension three. That is, to study the minimal slope for threefolds fibred by surfaces of general type with \(p_g > 0\). I will also introduce some recent results on it. This is a joint work in progress with Y. Hu.
  • Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center
  • Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences