Mini-workshop on geometry

会议地点 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼N202
会议时间 2023年03月11日(星期六)
08:30 - 09:00 会议报到
09:00 - 10:30 何    翔 Tropicalization of a family of curves and applications
10:30 - 10:50 茶歇休息
10:50 - 12:20 刘文飞 On regular surfaces of general type with numerically trivial automorphism group of order \(4\)
12:20 - 13:30 午饭休息
13:30 - 15:00 苏长剑 Calogero-Moser system and quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution
15:00 - 15:30 茶歇休息
15:30 - 17:00 田志宇 Algebraic equivalence of one cycles
  • 何    翔(清华大学):Tropicalization of a family of curves and applications
    The tropicalization process assigns to an algbraic variety a polyhedral complex with extra structure that records certain degeneration data. In this talk, I will introduce the tropicalization of a family of algebraic curves and explain the connection between the geometry of the algebro-geometric side and the tropical side. I will then discuss a few applications of this construction to the Severi problem. This is joint work with Karl Christ and Ilya Tyomkin.
  • 刘文飞(厦门大学):On regular surfaces of general type with numerically trivial automorphism group of order \(4\)
    An automorphism of a smooth complex projective variety \(X\) is called numerically trivial if it induces the trivial action on the cohomology groups with rational coefficients. We denote by \(Aut_\mathbb{Q}(X)\) the group of such automorphisms. For algebraic curves, \(Aut_\mathbb{Q}(X)\) coincides with the identity component of \(Aut(X)\). The situation is more complicated for algebraic surfaces. Nevertheless, Jin-Xing Cai proved that \(\left|Aut_\mathbb{Q}\left(X\right)\right|\le 4\) if \(X\) is a surface of general type with \(\chi\left(\mathcal{O}_X\right)\geq 189\). Irregular minimal surfaces of general type with \(\left|Aut_\mathbb{Q}\left(X\right)\right|=4\) turns out to be isogenous to a product of curves by a previous joint work with Jin-Xing Cai. In this talk, I will present some examples of regular surfaces of general type with \(\left|Aut_\mathbb{Q}\left(X\right)\right|=4\), as well as some work in progress towards a classification similar to the irregular case. This is a joint work with Professor Jin-Xing Cai.
  • 苏长剑(清华大学):Calogero-Moser system and quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution
    I will report a joint work in progress with C. Li and R. Xiong. The Calogero-Moser (CM) system, which is also called the hypergeometric system, is a generalization of the Gauss hypergeometric equation. We give explicit formulae for the integrals of motions of this system. Moreover, we give a presentation for the quantum cohomolgy ring of the Springer resolution with relations given by the integrals of motions of the CM system. 
  • 田志宇(北京大学):Algebraic equivalence of one cycles
    I will describe a technique to lift algebraic equivalence of one cycles on smooth projective varieties to deformation equivalence between stable maps, and some of its applications in geometry and arithmetic. This is joint work with János Kollár.
  • 会议组织者
    • 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
    • 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心
    • 国家重点研发计划