Upcoming Talks

2025 03.11 10:00-11:30 @ MCM410 Long Pan (Fudan University)
K-moduli space of log del pezzo surfaces

Past Talks

2024 12.17 14:00-15:300 @ N913 Boming Jia (Tsinghua University)
Minimal nilpotent orbit of type D
10.15 10:00-11:30 @ MCM110 Arnaud Beauville (Université Côte d'Azur)
Quotients of Jacobians
09:00-10:00 @ MCM110 Masayuki Kawakita (RIMS, Kyoto University)
Invitation to minimal log discrepancies on smooth threefolds
09.09 10:00-11:30 @ MCM110 Paolo Cascini (Imperial College London)
Foliation Adjunction
06.11 09:00-10:00 @ MCM410 Siqing Zhang (Institute for Advanced Study)
Non Abelian Hodge Theory in prime characteristic II: log-poles and G-bundles
06.04 10:00-11:00 @ MCM410 Siqing Zhang (Institute for Advanced Study)
Non Abelian Hodge Theory in prime characteristics I: semistability and cohomology
05.29 11:00-12:00 @ N820 Jian Xiao (Tsinghua University)
05.20/24/27 13:00-14:30 @ N820
Numerical characterization of the hard Lefschetz classes
05.27 16:00-17:00 @ N820 Hao Sun (South China University of Technology)
Filtered Stokes G-Local Systems
05.27 14:45-15:45 @ N820 Pengfei Huang (Max-Planck-Institut for Mathematics)
Filtered local systems and their moduli spaces
04.18 10:00-11:00 @ N818 Lu Qi (Princeton University)
Filtrations, multiplicities and singularities
04.17 10:00-11:30 @ MCM110 Konstantin Shramov (Steklov Mathematical Institute and NRU Higher School of Economics)
Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
2023 11.15 10:00-11:30 @ MCM410 Andreas Höring (Université Côte d'Azur)
Projective manifolds with pseudoeffective cotangent bundles II
11.13 14:00-15:30 @ MCM410 Andreas Höring (Université Côte d'Azur)
Projective manifolds with pseudoeffective cotangent bundles I
09.26 14:00-15:00 @ N913 Yizheng Yin (Peking University)
Abelian fibrations, Perverse = Chern, and multiplicativity
08.02 14:00-15:00 @ N913 Mingchen Xia (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche)
Characterizations of I-good singularities
08.01 14:00-15:00 @ N913 Mingchen Xia (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche)
Ross-Witt Nyström correspondence
07.24 10:00-11:00 @ N913 Ya Deng (Université de Lorraine)
Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture for algebraic varieties with big reductive fundamental groups
07.11 10:45-11:45 @ N913 Lei Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
On the rigidity of proper holomorphic self-mappings of the Hua domains
07.11 09:30-10:30 @ N913 Sheng Rao (Wuhan University)
Projective, Moishezon and Kahler loci of family II
06.01 14:00-15:00 @ N913 Guodu Chen (Westlake University)
On multiplicities of fibres of Fano fibrations
04.18 15:30-16:30 @ MCM410 Yalong Cao (RIKEN)
From curve counting on Calabi-Yau 4-folds to quasimaps for quivers with potentials
04.04 16:30-17:30 @ Tencent Meeting: 377-9935-3697 Qingyuan Jiang (University of Edinburgh)
Borel-Weil-Bott theorem for Derived Flag Schemes
04.03 16:30-17:30 @ Tencent Meeting: 377-9935-3697 Qingyuan Jiang (University of Edinburgh)
Non-abelian Derived Categories and Derived Schur and Weyl Functors
03.09 15:00-16:00 @ N933 Sichen Li (East China University of Science and Technology)
Density of orbits and arithmetic degrees of automorphisms of projective threefolds
02.28 9:30-11:30 @ MCM410 Qifeng Li (Shandong University)
Lines on holomorphic contact manifolds and a generalization of \((2,3,5)\)-distributions to higher dimensions